Hey Everyone!!
Hey Everyone, its me again! Countdown to my epic road trip starts now! Only 13 days left! Now…. just to figure out what to pack and how to get it all to fit in the rental car… hmmm. This will be the longest road trip I have taken. 24 days is a long time to be on the road camping, but I am beyond excited and totally ready mentally. Physically may be a different story though.
I will be revealing the trip map early next week so stay tuned for that!! This week is the planning week. The trip is all planned out and most of our stays are booked (well, the important ones anyway). However……. I have some serious packing planning that needs to be done. What to wear, what to eat, emergency supplies, honey for the bears… oh wait… maybe scratch that last item. Now that we are finding bears wandering around here in Saint Louis, I am a little concerned.
On another slightly depressing note, we just found out that the epic tent I ordered to go with my epic trip won’t be here on time. So, now to decide. Do we take my luxurious, but hard to handle tent? Or do we opt for a cheap pop up tent that may leak on us? I’m going to go with option C here and take both. Man, was that tent going to be awesome though. Four-person pop up with solar powered LED’s and charging station. All the leakproofness that I needed to feel like that tent was made for me. Oh well! It will get here while I’m gone so I will just have to plan another trip. By the way… check them out at cinchpopuptents.com. They have great customer service and did everything they could to help get it here on time. It just wasn’t in the stars for us this trip.
I don’t know about you guys, but I am a list maker. I have about 40 lists going for this trip: clothes to pack, clothes to buy, food to get, car snacks, camping stuff to get from mom’s, camping stuff to buy, stuff to find because I know I have it somewhere around here, electronics, school stuff (because unfortunately, I will be spending the first 3.5 weeks of my 8 week session on the road), camera stuff, toiletries… You name it and I have a list for it. I think I have spent more time making lists than I have actually finding those things or packing. I am a giant procrastinator so, I will most likely be throwing things in several bags at about 2 or 3 A.M. on the night before we leave. What can I say? I work better under pressure.
I will leave you all here now as I have a final paper to write for class and I’m getting a little hungry. Stay tuned for the trip reveal!
I am so excited to travel virtually with you bothl!! I can’t wait! 🙂
We are also super excited to have you along for the virtual ride!!!!