Travel With Me

I Feel Like I’m Inside a Bag of Popcorn

So, the adventure begins…

All packed up with all the places to go! This is THE trip. Finally happening. I was beyond excited setting out and as I sit here writing this on day four of our trip (in a Starbucks in Jackson Hole, WY) , I am still ecstatic for what lies ahead. Not everything can go perfectly though, right?

The first seven hour drive to Salix, Iowa was easy enough. The campground was beautiful and we got there just in time to shower and enjoy the sunset.

Camping on the lake in Salix, Iowa

The next morning we drove to Wall Drug in South Dakota. Bit of a let down, but still a fun little stop. Even though I spilled about an entire cup of coffee all over my shirt right before we arrived. A bunch of little shops and some great ice cream. We didn’t stay long because we wanted to get back on the road.  About an hour later and we are setting up the tent in this beautiful wooded primitive campground in Keystone, SD. It is sunny and breezy. There is a little creek just down from our tent. We are thinking that we are up for a fantastic evening while waiting for the lighting of the faces at Mount Rushmore.

Campsite at Grizzly Creek, SD

Until…… we decided to check the weather. Rain. We put the rain fly on and decided to go for pie  at The Purple Pie Place. Just as I finish a delicious slice of blackberry pie, it starts to storm. Bad. Hail. The whole works. We rush to get the rental car under a roof, when it decides to stop. We were going to wait until 9 to head to the faces, but we decided to just go ahead and go. We get to Mount Rushmore, take some great pictures and get to listen to this great little military band. That’s when another storm hits again.

Mount Rushmore just before the storm.

We rush (see what I did there…?) to the car to get back to our campsite. The storm is just ridiculous and we end up making sandwiches in the car while we try to wait it out. The tent held up pretty well with only a few drops getting in. I end up kind of dozing off listening to the raindrops on the roof of the tent. As I am about to be completely in dream land… I hear “Are you still awake?”. I reply with a “Yuuppp.” Then my sister says “I feel like I’m in a bag of popcorn.” I think she could feel my eyes roll in the dark as I say “I hate you, go to sleep.” The next morning she didn’t even really remember actually saying that out loud. She then tried to explain how the drops on the tent sounded like popcorn popping. This will now haunt her for the rest of the trip….

So, onto Jackson, WY we go! Stay tuned for Yellowstone! Sign up for email alerts so you don’t miss a thing!

I am an almost 30 year old traveling as often as possible, making the most out of life, and working my butt off to get to do the things I like.


  • Ginger

    Ladies you are a delight. Glad your are having a great time, surprises and all. Now I have to go open a bag of popcorn!

  • Rachel

    hahaha!!! I love the “bag of popcorn”! The pictures are beautiful! I love hearing about the trip. Fun food place choices too…Purple Pie, ice cream/coffee places, and food in the car. 😉 It is fun to have surprises.

    • Carrie

      The pie place was expensive, but delicious!!! Thank you for the compliment on the photos. There will be many more to come I’m sure!!!

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